Landscaping and LED Lights
Does you home need outdoor lighting? Not just any light will do, because for exterior lighting, you are investing in something that needs to last. Thanks to growing advancements, LED lights have become a popular trend for outdoor lighting and outdoor landscaping. LED lights are not new and have actually been on the market for quite some time. That being said, not many homeowners know what an LED light really is or what the benefits are. For years, Majestic Outdoor Lighting has been serving the DFW communities. We are the experts when it comes to LED lights in the Fort Worth and Dallas, TX.
Call us to schedule an appointment, (817) 345-3696.
Why is LED Lighting Better?
- Energy efficient: LED lights use 95% of their energy to produce light and only 5% is converted to heat. This means you are getting more light, less heat, and there are less greenhouse gases being emitted. A home with a LED lights electric bill will see lower costs due.
- No toxic elements: LED lights contain no mercury as many incandescent lights still do. Mercury is incredibly noxious and harmful and inside incandescent lights, which makes disposal of those lights very tricky. Halogen lights contain halogen gas as well. Since LED lights do not have these harmful chemicals, use and disposal of them are considered to be not as difficult.
- Less lights needed: LED lights have a higher quality of light distribution and focus light in one direction. This means that less lights are needed to light a room or a backyard.
- Lifespan: LED lights can last decades longer than incandescent and halogen lights. This makes them a reliable light source for outside light purposes. For example, LED lights a great tool for security purposes. They can be installed once and you don’t have to worry about them for quite some time.

LED Lights vs. Halogen Lights
When deciding on lighting for your home and exterior, it can seem impossible to know what is the best option. Most of the time, we see clients wanting to know which is better: LED lights or halogen?
LED lights or Halogen?
- Halogen lights: Technically still an incandescent light, but the filament is surrounding by halogen gas, which uses less electricity but glows just as bright.
- LED lights: A diode within the bulb is connected by electricity, sparking the electrons which then create photons, which we see as light.
Halogen lights:
- Cheap upfront cost: For initial an purchase, halogen lights are cheap to purchase
- Reasonably long life-span: Even with regular use, these lights do a fairly long life-span, but it is still not very long.
- Do require care w/ disposal: Because of the halogen gas suspended inside, some can find it difficult to dispose of these lights.
LED Lights:
- Expensive upfront cost: The initial purchase of LED lights is comparatively more expensive than an incandescent or halogen light, which deters many customers.
- Incredibly long life-span: LED lights makeup for the expensive cost through their lasting ability. Most LED lights can last 2 to 3 decades longer than their incandescent and halogen counterparts.
- Disposal is easy: Because there are no toxic chemicals within a LED light, many find the disposal of these lights easier.
LED Lights are actually becoming popular to use in outdoor lighting. To ensure your yard is always visible, make sure to enlist local tree services to maintain your yard and help keep your lights shining bright, with no competition.
LED Lighting Issues
While a good investment, there can be some issues with LED lighting that clients are concerned about. There is the upfront cost. LED lights are typically more expensive than traditional incandescent lights, but newer innovations are actually pushing down the price for LED lights.
Many homeowners have indicated the harsh light or the blue light from LED lights puts a strain on their eyes. LED lights do offer a brighter, more focused light which can be a drastic change for some. There are many LED lights that can be used with a dimmer, to lessen the brightness of the light.
Another issue seen during installation has to do with the manufacturing. The way a LED light was manufactured can cause issues when attempting install or light an area. This is especially so with electrical wiring, especially with outdoor lighting. For help with landscape LED lights, contact Majestic Outdoor Lighting today, (817) 345-3696. We work with the best quality LED lights in the industry.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of LED lighting?
They use less energy, do not get as hot as traditional bulbs, and last much longer than incandescent or halogen lights.
Do LED lights use less energy?
Yes, they do use less energy to activate and stay on.
Do LED lights really save money?
In several ways, LED lights save money. Because of their life-span, it’s estimated that a homeowner will only need to spend $38 in total over the course of 23 years, to light their home and even replace LED lights.
How much electricity does a LED night light use?
LED lights use a total of 10W of electricity, including LED night lights.

LED Lights in Your Area
Call Majestic Outdoor Lighting today, (817) 345-3696, for help with landscape LED lights in the Fort Worth and Dallas, TX area.